Years of Experience:13
Service Area: Cities: Hamilton, Gallatin, Cameron, Far West, Mirable, Jameson, Jamesport, Polo, Kearney, Lawson, Richmond, Excelsior Springs, Independence, Liberty, St. Joseph, Trenton, Chillicothe, Plattsburg, Bethany, Gladstone. Counties: Caldwell, Daviess, Ray, Clay, Clinton, DeKalb, Carroll, Grundy, Harrison, Gentry and LaFayette.

Relocations, Vacant Land, Farms and Rural Homes.

Professional Associations:

Kansas City Regional Association of Realtors

About Me:

I've been a proud resident of northwestern Missouri for the past two years and I understand how difficult it is to relocate to the great State of Missouri, however I feel that if you need to be here a way will open! Living in the "mission field" will provide your family with many opportunities to serve and make a difference, I am one of few agents that will understand your reasons for being here or wanting to relocate. I've been married for 20 years to a wonderful woman and we have four adorable children. I am experienced in real estate in everything from flipping homes to negotiating multi-million dollar deals in the wireless/telecom industry. I am an energetic, detailed oriented, and a natural self starter. When I am not assisting my real estate clients, I spends my free time with family, volunteering at church, remodeling projects, and reading.

Languages Spoken:


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